LangSec Workshop

at IEEE Security & Privacy, Thursday May 26, 2016

Workshop program

Third Language-theoretic Security (LangSec) IEEE Security & Privacy Workshop

Preliminary Program

8:45-9amOpening Words from the Organizers
9:00-10am Keynote: Doug McIlroy, "Buy/by the Book Or Bye-Bye the Game"
10:20-10:50am Morning Coffee Break
10:50am-12:30pm First Session: Papers
Guillaume Endignoux, Olivier Levillain, Jean-Yves Migeon, "Caradoc: a Pragmatic Approach to PDF Parsing and Validation"
Katherine Underwood, Michael Locasto, "In Search Of Shotgun Parsers In Android Applications"
Harald Lampesberger, "An Incremental Learner for Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML"
Sheridan Curley, Richard Harang, "Grammatical Inference and Machine Learning Approaches to Post-Hoc LangSec"
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:10pmSecond Session: Research Reports
Peter Aldous, Matthew Might, "A Posteriori Taint-tracking for Demonstrating Non-interference in Expressive Low-level Languages"
Sven Hallberg, Adam Crain, Meredith L. Patterson, Sergey Bratus, "The State of Hammer: Ready for ICS"
Jacob Torrey, Jonathan Miodownik, "Research Report: Analysis of Software for Restricted Computational Environment Applicability"
Nathaniel Filardo, "Mitigating LangSec Problems With Capabilities"
3:10-3:40pm Afternoon Coffee Break
3:40-5:30pmThird Session: Work-in-progress Reports, Invited Presentations, Panel
Rick McGeer, "Declarative Verifiable SDI Specifications"
Matthew Van Gundy, "Complex Paths and Derelict Sentinels: software engineering underpinnings of recent NTP vulnerabilities"
Erik Bosman, "Some musings on the deduplication weird machine"
The LangSec Panel: Toward a LangSec Software Development Lifecycle
5:30-6pm Thanks & Further Research Directions